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LWA-100k Series

The extremly versatile linewidth analyzers for measuring, analyzing and live-monitoring frequency noise of lasers

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LWA-100k Series

Linewidth Analyzer

Linewidth Analyzer LWA-100k Series
Icon Measurement Range 1064 – 1625 nm


Icon Linewidth Range 10 kHz to 100 MHz


Icon Noise Frequency Range down to 10 Hz

Frequency Range

Icon Noise Sensitivity down to 25 Hz / √ Hz


Icon Up to Realtime Analysis

Up to Realtime

Versatility, Detailed Analysis and Live Monitoring

Characterization of frequency and phase noise of laser light sources has never been easier: The LWA-100k enables the user to characterize and optimize laser light sources with high precision over a broad wavelength range including the O-/E-/S-/C- and L-band for telecommunication sources and typical wavelengths for quantum optical applications in the IR range.

Measurement Range LWA-100k Serie

Supplying your laser light via a polarization-maintaining fiber the
LWA-100k supplies a real-time analog voltage output proportional to the frequency deviations of the laser. The detection technique is based on a interferometric measurement principle and therefore there is no additional need for a highly stable narrow optical light reference.

The output can either be analyzed with the supplied Digitizer module and the software suite for quantitative analysis of the noise or in order to feedback the voltage signal to your own systems.

More about the LWA-100k

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Available Measurement Range

Icon Measurement Range 1064 – 1625 nm

Customized Measurement Ranges

On Request

The LWA is highly versatile and can be
used in various applications, including:

Measurement of the intrinsic (Lorentzian) and
effective (optical) linewidth
of your laser source

Frequency resolved laser noise analysis by means
of frequency noise density spectra

Laser control unit characterization
(supply noise, ground loop problems)

Identification of acoustical noise sources

Laser modulation characterization
(e.g. frequency dependent amplitude transfer function)

Feedback loop characterization
(Bandwidth, Servo bumps, frequency drifts)

Linewidth reduction/Coherence control
(PID controller required, not included)

Detailed Analysis

Example of a Frequency Noise Density Spectrum

In general, laser frequency noise can either be analyzed via the frequency noise density spectrum or the optical lineshape spectrum which contains much more information than the condensed number of the laser linewidth or the coherence time.

Example of an Optical Lineshape Spectrum

From the spectra, individual frequency components and special linewidth shapes (e.g. due to large index modulations) are directly visible and bring insight to the relevant linewidth parameters. The software suite incorporates both spectral representations and condensed linewidth numbers that can be directly derived from the time-resolved frequency deviations.

Determination of frequency modulation amplitudes
in the time-resolved frequency deviations (Timeseries)

Optical Linewidth estimation by beta-separation method

Intrinsic Linewidth measurement via the frequency noise density floor

Effective (Gaussian part) and intrinsic (Lorentzian part) linewidth analysis by fit to the optical spectrum

Detection of bistabilities and random telegraph noise in the lasing frequency by histogram of frequency deviations

Export possibilities for extended analysis with the software of choice

Live Monitoring

Due to the performance optimized software suite, it is possible to display the spectral information with a high repetition rate enabling realtime-operation. Therefore, the above applications can be exploited to do …

Time and state dependent analysis of the laser's linewidths

Optimizations and mechanical/electronic adjustments on your laboratory setup to the spectral signal and the linewidth

Health monitoring of your laser source

Frequency Noise Spectrum

Frequency Noise Spectrum LWA-100k

ECDL @ 1532 nm, < 400 kHz linewidth

Nd:YAG @ 1064 nm, < 50 kHz linewidth

Fiber-laser @ 1550 nm, < 10 kHz linewidth

Lineshape Profile

Optical Noise Spectrum LWA-100k

ECDL @ 1532 nm, < 400 kHz linewidth

Nd:YAG @ 1064 nm, < 50 kHz linewidth

Fiber-laser @ 1550 nm, < 10 kHz linewidth

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Further Information

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