1. Fiber
2. Mirror
3. Concave mirror
4. Fizeau interferometers
5. Cylindrical lens
6. CCD line array
The light is coupled into the device via a fiber and then collimated by a mirror, before entering the Fizeau-interferometers.
The Fizeau-interferometers form the interference pattern characteristic for the wavelength of the light.
The interference pattern is imaged by a cylindrical lens onto CCD photodiode arrays. This recorded pattern is transferred to your computer via a high-speed USB connection which allows data acquisition rates of up to 76 kHz.
The software fits and compares the pattern to a previously recorded calibration to calculate the wavelength.
One significant advantage of our Fizeau-based Wavelength Meters, compared with other available instruments, is the absence of mechanical moving parts. This ensures the high reliability of accuracies up to 2 MHz (absolute) and ensures the outstanding robustness HighFinesse wavelength meters are noted for.
For Pulsed and
Continuous Lasers
The design enables the precise measurement of not only continuous lasers, but also pulsed laser sources, which broadens the application range even further.
Easy to use
Plug & Play
Remote Network
Access & Software