Linewidth Ranges
Frequency Range
Up to Real-time
The HighFinesse Linewidth Analyzers are high-end optical instruments for measuring, analyzing and controlling frequency and intensity noise of laser light sources. By combining an interferometric working principle with ultra-low noise electronics, a superb sensitivity is achieved. The real-time signal output offers the option for a fast feedback loop that can be used to actively reduce the frequency noise of the laser.
Product VideoHighFinesse LWA-10k series
The 10k models cover broad wavelength ranges and can be used to analyze narrow- and broadband laser sources within the NIR. Analysis tools like time resolved frequency deviations charts, frequency noise density spectra and lineshape representation enable detailed laser noise analysis.
HighFinesse LWA-1k series
The 1k models are ultimate high-end optical instruments engineered to analyze and control the frequency noise and lineshape of ultra-narrow lasers. Additionally these instruments offer the option to investigate the relative intensity noise of the laser light source with very high resolution and sensitivity.
Frequency deviation time trace and histogram
Frequency noise density spectrum
Intensity noise spectrum
Laser lineshape spectrum
Effective linewidth:
Noise at all measured frequencies contributing to the linewidth
Lorentzian, Gaussian and Voigt fits for lineshape spectra
Intrinsic linewidth:
Level of noise floor at higher frequencies
Time trace of frequency deviations
Frequency noise spectrum
Lineshape spectrum
At any time you may request a demo device from us, to familiarize yourself with its capabilities.
Don't hesitate to contact our service team. We are always open for customers requirements.