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LWA-1k Series

Linewidth Analyzer

Linewidth Analyzer LWA-1k Series
Icon Noise Sensitivity down to 10 Hz / √ Hz


Icon Linewidth Range 350 Hz to 20 MHz


Icon Noise Frequency Range up to 10  MHz

Frequency Range

Icon Linewidth Reduction


Icon RIN Limit -150 dB/Hz


The LWA-1k features a superb sensitivity allowing the analysis of lasers with very narrow linewidths down to 1 kHz. Intrinsic linewidth can even be resolved down to 350 Hz.

Additionally, the signal generated by the 1k models can be used in combination with a fast feedback controller to actively reduce the laser frequency noise.

An intuitivly usable and responsive GUI provides the user with noise density and lineshape plots as well as the significant linewidth values.

Available Measurement Ranges

Icon Measurement Range 760 – 1064 nm
Icon Measurement Range 1530 – 1625 nm

Customized Measurement Ranges

On Request

Frequency Noise Spectrum

ECDL @1550 nm free running:
Effective (β-separation) 946.0 kHz; Intrinsic 53.2 kHz

ECDL @1550 nm locked to LWA-1k:
Effective (β-separation) 90.5 kHz; Intrinsic 110.6 kHz

Fiber laser @1550 nm: Effective (β-separation) 2.1 kHz; Intrinsic 0.3 kHz

Lineshape Profile

ECDL @1550 nm free running: Linewidth 830.8 kHz

ECDL @1550 nm locked to LWA-1k: Linewidth 45.5 kHz

Fiber laser @1550 nm: Linewidth 5.5 kHz

Demonstration of Frequency Noise Spectrum Evaluation

emonstration of frequency noise spectrum evaluation

A Fourier analysis of recorded time-domain laser frequency deviation signals yields a frequency noise density plot in the frequency domain (blue line) with 1/f-noise, characteristic noise peaks and a white noise floor.

According to the β-separation method 1), the effective linewidth is proportional to the area of the frequency noise (blue) above the β-separation line (red line). The intrinsic linewidth is given by the noise floor level (in Hz2/Hz) times π (rule of thumb).

1) Di Domenico, et al., Applied Optics 49, issue 25, 4801 – 4807, 2010

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Further Information

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