Measurement *
Compatibility with
Ubuntu 22.04 and more
Linux distributions
For Pulsed and
Continous Lasers
Remote Network
Access & Software
Easy to Use
Plug & Play
Part Fizeau
Thermally Insulated
* Measurement speed twice the rate of the standard WS series (1000 Hz)
Fig. 1: The excellent measurement resolution of the WS8-10 IR-I at λ ≈ 1556 nm is demonstrated by monitoring the wavelength of an ultra-stable fiber laser locked to a 2-photon transition in Rb (5S − 5D1/2). The standard deviation for this measurement is as low as 25 kHz.
Fig. 2: The wavelength measurement stability of the WS8-2 Std at longer timescales is also demonstrated at λ ≈ 1064 nm. At stable temperature in the lab, the standard deviation is 58 kHz.
The HighFinesse/Ångstrom WS8-2 is the unsurpassed high-end instrument for wavelength measurement of pulsed or continuous laser sources. It delivers superb absolute and relative accuracy required by cutting-edge scientific research, as well as industrial and medical applications. The unmatched precision of the WS8 series demonstrates the world leadership of HighFinesse/Ångstrom wavelength meters.
Twice as Fast, Higher Resolution
and New Design
Due to cutting-edge advances in software and hardware development
the wavemeters offer unparalleled accuracy and precision when measuring wavelengths at a speed of up to 1000 Hz with a measurement resolution down to 100 kHz.
The photonic fiber switch at the input offers endlessly singlemode operation, making it possible to measure lasers at wavelengths across the entire spectrum with the full accuracy of the wavelength meter.
The WS8 is connected to the PC via a USB interface and is ready for use as soon as the software delivered with the device is installed. The design enables the integration of additional options, allowing customized solutions to specific applications.
The WS8-2 is the highest-end solution for wavelength monitoring and control with an absolute accuracy of 2 MHz and a wavelength deviation sensitivity of 0.1 MHz. The WS8-2 is subject to most stringent production, testing and certification procedures and therefore offers the maximum accuracy with state-of-the-art technology. It comes with the photonic crystal switch, enabling multichannel operation in the spectral range of the wavelength meter.
The 2 MHz accuracy presumes, that the device is supported by one of our calibration sources based on atomic spectroscopy (or another laser source with comparable accuracy).
Standard HighFinesse wavelength meters up to an absolute accuracy of 60 MHz feature autocalibration via an integrated calibration source. This guarantees the accuracy and stability of measurements with our wavelength meters. For the higher accuracies we offer a variety of frequency stabilized, narrow linewidth, laser sources with up to ± 10 kHz frequency stability for different applications.
We strongly recommend the superior photonic crystal fiber technology for versatility reasons.
learn moreDon't hesitate to contact our service team for user defined functions or OEM applications. We are always open for customers requirements.